Daniel Barnum

Issue 47/48,
Winter 2022-2023

 Daniel Barnum 

I’m the One Who Gripped You Tight and Raised You  from Perdition 

(the Angel Castiel, ca. 400,000,000 BCE–November 5, 2020 CE, “Supernatural”)

an old story ; I knew what would happen since it happened
to me : an angel falls in love with a man 
who cannot admit it despite all evidence , which means , the moment
the seraph confesses , everything is damned for ever 
after . I was waiting for a phone call a text something to puzzle days
about , a signal over the radio frequency that replaces thought 
if will becomes too free . instead , just the cloud of unknowing
I’ve got for a mind running on empty then out 
of actual nowhere: baby – what he called his car – let’s go 
for a ride
: he showed up unheralded outside the erebus 
I slept in the long months when he was gone . immortality had been a season 
spent watching reruns before changing channels 
& seeing the first face I had ever noticed , like god fucked up 
the man-making machine that day , but in a good way – 
you get what I mean ? it’s difficult for angels to ever feel truly 
understood by earthly beings , which is why , for him , I spoke 
in the dulcet monotone known to calm the fear & trembling 
that crumbles most men in my presence . his own voice sunk 
the octave to toughen him in public – some gruff mask he took off 
only when we were alone in his family home , the bunker
we’d disappear down the stairs into , that warded circle of earth ; 
the bench seat of his stick- shift sedan ; or this time , the abandoned 
train tracks in the woods of purgatory where we replayed our favorite 
episodes . this was the end of the road : the trestle 
bridge out before us , the path winnowing to a single bright point 
in the distance . the eye of heaven enrapt at our undoing.
of course , it was true whether or not he said it . in an earlier plot
from the same story , the prophet wrestles his messenger into sub-
mission , which is a kind of unspoken love . in ours , the angel returns 
to outer darkness : the final hell of god & man’s silence .