hazel avery

Issue 49
Summer 2023

 hazel avery

city sister

we missed her we
missed her swish
of grass but
spurned she turned
flowers to towers
bloomed boomed into
owned homes and
sister bones so
watch it mister mister
im a city slicker sister
fister now an oil slicked
river misser i have
wishes to kiss and
unfinished business to
risk fists wringing
wrists about
my gritty city sister
misses mists and
misses fish but
loves quickness
picnics kissing misses
and lists sister kiss the
fist that whips
the city pretty girly
swirly for you
kiss the wrists that
twist your lips to
fix the risk you
wish for kiss the
oil slick kiss the
missing swish
swish she wishes
swish she wishes
fish but pictures of
misses and oil slick
kisses caress her
breast arrest her
breath wrest her
rest from the rest
of the mess she
risked her wishes
wishing for forget
the wit forget
the wet water
you were wishing
youre a city sister
kissing misses now
not a swishy wishy
river sister
so kiss the gritty city
sister sister
she’s yours