Silvia Guerra

Issue 46, Spring 2021

Silvia Guerra

First Weave

Translated from the Spanish by Jesse Lee Kercheval and Jeannine Pitas

Early the restraint
of work in the fog
condenses the other nameless 
part that marks
the days, the efforts to 
reach the waterline. 
Mercy prospers
tying bundles 
tight at the bottom
with the thin end
 of the thread. 
Without solace 
grinding makes gold
into mortar of lava.
All the garlands 
braided in their places
the bushes the open
corollas that crush
petal with pistils, pistils
with pistils. And the deals 
are just that, or they’re there, 
a fruit pointing to the 
taxonomy of the instant 
and the eye fascinated with 
what passes from consecutive
to immediate between the strip 
that covers us: the slippery
eel of the tropes 
the move over mules 
transfers the figure from there 
to something more that time opens 
one from uncertain origin appears
one whose flight endures everything 
those brilliant Branches and noise 
of mountain Trembling.